Friday, April 27, 2012

Finals week...

Hey Everyone!

I'm starting this blog, my first and only blog, with 1 week and 2 days left of my sophomore year of college with the hopes of motivating myself to keep track of my weight loss progress over this coming summer.

With finals currently in progress and time slipping away I've been either using my time studying or thinking about studying... Which in turn means I have been using finals as an excuse for myself to not eat the most healthy foods (delicious brownies that Beka and I made together) or exercise everyday.

I don't see what I can really do to make changes to myself in 1 week so I've decided to just let it be and concentrate on studying. However, I plan on changing this lifestyle completely over the summer and have read that keeping track of my work is a great way to stay motivated which led to the conception of this blog.

Off to bed now but will update as soon as finals are over, that is, IF I survive finals...

Wish me luck!


1 comment:

  1. Good luck!!! And I like the "at least thinking about studying" lol <3
